Monday, August 5, 2013

Site Slump: TV Tropes

Hey i'm slump
I'm not so slump
And this is Site Slump!

Welcome to my very first Site Slump where I, put the Slump in Sites. Today, I am reviewing TV Tropes. This is a favorite of mine and I do not edit it so it fits all of the qualifications. Meet TV Tropes.

You evil website


TV Trope benefits from a good community, one thing many sites do not have. Most editors list good examples and are funny, and usually enforce There is no Such Thing as Notability.

Okay, just kidding.
However, sometimes there are the templates that request a rewrite or say that there is something wrong with the page. However, this is much less common then other websites.

 Overall, the community gets a 10/10


The content could have various ratings depending on how you look at it. However, from my standpoint I would give it a high score. Why? It's funny. It has obscure examples, it has stuff from even very recent games or media. One article documented the inappropriate stuff on the Nickelodeon (crap) show Sam and Cat just from a trailer.

The content is golden, and it gets my 10/10.


Most entries have funny, entertaining, and educational  pictures. However, some don't and some have stupid unfunny and sometimes confusing pictures. It's just a nitpicking thing but still, it good benefit from some new pictures.

The content is mainly good and gets my 7/10


That was my review of TV Tropes! Tell me if you liked it and the segment and also what you want the next review to be about. I'm Joe, and that was Site Slump.

Just cross out some things and remove 75% of the content

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