I guess I did some accidental
foreshadowing last week . I got no responses and last weeks was about Facebook two, so I decided to tackle Rickrolling. So today on Blog & Wario, we are going to tackle Rickrolling. Yeah.
Take this personality quiz |
In case you've been living under a rock for a century, Rickrolling is when you mislead someone to believe they are linked to something EXTRAORDINARY! And then you get a video of Rick Astley. There is no justice in this world. Anyways, with that short recap know I am going to give my two cents. Rickrolling is not that bad. It's trolling yes, but trolling has been in the world before computers. Honestly, trolling can get annoying but it acts as a force against those mean nerds or those snobs. I got, I mean get, trolled and it really humbles a person. Maybe you're refusing to watch the Clone Wars cartoon because George Lucas didn't give birth to it but someone tricks you with a misleading link and you find out you like it.
Except for this kind of trolling of course. |
Sometimes it's just funny. Rickrolling has no controversy and no reasons why I should disapprove of it, because it can be so funny. Unlike Facebook game, pay-to-play stuff, and LOLZ talk, it doesn't make us as a whole nation more stupid. So if you get Rickrolled, just smile and troll them back. That is how to enjoy the internet.
I'm Joe, and you just read Blog & Wario. See you next week(or week and a day, sorry.)