Most of my posts here so far revolve around the problems of the internet. Despite all of the trolls and annoying stuff, the horrible people, the gossip, the internet has some redeeming qualities.
Like letting me post.
So today, i'm listing the top 10 reasons why the internet has hope.
10: Kids
Hear me out here guys. Kids on the internet is a good thing. Not playing Modern Warfare 6 and trolling, but on the internet.
Interacting with kids can be better sometimes. They have no weird stuff about them and they have a better freaking imagination. It also expands the hope for our world which is currently very small. You can learn lots from the internet and even learn to make a living out of it when your older.
9: Youtube Communities
Be it Normal Boots, Hidden Block, Polaris, TGS whatever, Youtube Communites make us have hope. Why? They have a good feel to them. They often mention and link to more stuff which leads us to more non-sucky stuff. Also, they are organized, funny, and usually great pastimes.
8: Free Games
In a time where Capcom can get away with releasing 6 versions of the same game, free and fun games are a blessing. Old stuff can teach newer gamers difficulty in games, and can give nostalgia to older players without robbing them.
7: Good Fan-Fics
I know this is surprising, but there is such a thing as a good fanfiction.
LE GASP, REALLY? Well, some fan-fics can be good. A lot of them are complete rubbish, but a few may even get excepted into canon and Kindle World seeks to share that good stuff with us and make less people afraid of even touching a fanfic.
Just Kidding |
6: Fanbases
Any writer or director or creator of any kind of media knows Fanbases can really suck. However, there are some (few) good fans who advance creations with petitions, emails, fanart, and positive encouragement. They can bring dead yet awesome stuff back to life with popular demand. Some fans make the rest of the fanbase look mean and whiny and give them a bad name, but the good ones can help advance a great work into stardom.
5: Big companies and Organizations on Facebook and other social networks
How many of you stopped while reading this article to check your Facebook or Twitter. Well I have no readers so that is a horrible example but the point is that social networks are popular. How do we learn things? Social Networks. How do we get updated? Social Networks. How do we get petitions? Social Networks. By using these tools, companies and even the Goverment can update us on important stuff and therefor we are more aware then we were without these sites.
4: Good Fanart
I have said good a lot during this post. Why? Simply because most of it or some it is bad. However, some modern day picassos started out on DA or other artistic websites. Some companies have even used fanart before. I currently follow a great blog called Peira Noid's Blog on Blogger. Link will be at the end of this post by the way. The artist there could become a real life artist. Good Fanart is awesome.
3: Troll Wikis
Why would this be number 3? It's because it's an awesome pastime and one that is funny. I read lots of Encyclopedia Dramatica because it's funny. It's harmless and awesome and can make your day more then any thing above it on the list.
2: Streaming
Streaming is AWESOME. Before we had to tune in every week and if we missed the episode, life was over man. Game Over. Now with Hulu and Netflix though, we can watch at anytime. It descreases the ammount of TV we watch for the finer things of life, and is a great thing for TV lovers such as myself.
1: Wikis
Anyone can edit wiki. That sucks, right? No, it's fantastic, because most of the time we can find factual info on Wikipedia. We are more then ever informed and wikis are quite helpful. Fanon ones can build worthwhile communities and well made rules keep everything in order. Wikis have taught me some new vocabulary and has overall made me smarter. Here's for wiki!
So, the internet has hope after all. Small hope, but hope regardless. I'm Joe and that was my first Top 10, see you guys later.