Friday, September 20, 2013

Blog & Wario: Energy, Facebook, and Disney Apps

Think Disney.

Oh dear lord not that
Disney is doing some really weird stuff lately, but I digress, don't we all just love Disney? The magic, the songs, the....other things. Well, my point is that Disney is not so bad. That opinion WAS mine. Until we got a load of THIS.

 Disney, disney, disney.

Free to play? More like FORCED2PAY. I like Where's my Water but why do I have to connect to Facebook or pay $50 to get more "energy". What in the heck is energy? I'm sorry if i'm picking on specifically this game but, actually scratch that, I'm not sorry. But WMW2 is not the only vicious game out there to rob you.

I did a whole post dedicated to Facebook games. And though this is not about Facebook Games it ties into the whole theme of freemium and I will not let it stand. We need less of this. Disney already makes MORE then enough money, they don't need even 10$ more. So let's protest. Let's not stand for it. Rather then becoming part of the problem let's fight it.

I s'pose that's all for today, but I will see you guys soon! PEAZ

Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog & Wario: Obvious Troll is Obvious

In the last post I seemed like I was hating on everyone. This time, I will actually be on the peoples's side. Well, the troll's side. Well sort of. It's complicated.

Why, oh why, does this come up.

The internet really irks me sometimes. Actually, that's not true. People on the internet annoy me. For various reasons. If you've read my previous posts you know some of the reasons. But here's one more major one.

NO ONE GETS SARCASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because Memes are not allowed here
 Sarcasm doesn't work  on the internet they say, and I'd usually agree. But who really likes Justin Beiber more then Green Day and their username is Barney Dinosaur. On Youtube. Absolutely no one. Obvious trolls TRY to troll. All trolls do.  So trying to fight them with dislikes and spams and comments is a waste of time.

The sad thing is that not enough people support me in this. I need more dry people on this planet to just put "Obvious troll is obvious". Don't make a text talk acronym for it though.

I hate everyone

So guys, just think. Would this person REALLY do this without purposefully trying to spite you. Probably not. Just some food for thought. See you guys later. And by that I mean in a month or two. Because i'm lazy.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog & Wario: How the Internet will cause apocalypse

I know you missed me.

Admit it.


Okay so after the post where I told you I basically was not going to meet that many deadlines, and I took a break but with the weekend upon me I decided it was time for another Blog & Wario. Today I am going to talk about something that is not just annoying, it is.....DANGEROUS!

I had to.

The other day while I was on the Sploder forums, I saw someone trying to make it on Sploder til they were 30+. Oh my. Don't worry, I won't put a George Takei picture here. That is not the only thing. People are wasting more and more time on computers. (I say as I write a blog post for an hour). That is very very bad. Why? Well if you as an adult spend most time on computers you waste your talents. Especially if you are smart.

Another problem that was brought to my eye is people actually falling in love with machines[1]. As in marrying them. This limits the population, which effectively means the extinction of human life. Wasting talents is bad but this problem is worse.

I am going to go out on a limb here saying, everyone has a person out there for them. Whether we try hard enough to find them is the problem. So, as always, I propose a solution. Limit your computer use. With the addition of parents being able to limit the time spent on stuff, we are in the right direction. I cut down an hour each day to spend more time with my family. Do that with other devices to, which will mainly eliminate the "I love Virtual Girlz" problem two. If we do that, we'll all day some other way. Like atomic bombs. Or zombies. Or missiles.

I'm Joe Nunyabeeswax, and I will see you LATER.

Monday, August 19, 2013

B&W Update

No, not Beer & Wings. Although that would make a good resteraunt. Okay enough with that crap.

I am, probably much to your surprise, not a 40 year old man living in his mom's basement, and have a school to go to. That means I will be on the computer much less, so I will probably not meet all deadlines. However, I won't go all JonTron on you and disappear for a year. Expect more (sort of) awesome content!

Me, tlling u guyz bai i so saaaaddddd

Monday, August 12, 2013

Blog & Wario: Cease and Desist Letter, Pt. 2: The Fans

Okay, last time on Blog and Wario I used all of the fanboy in me to justify why Cease and Desist letters are wrong, and now it is my turn to become a company man and explain the other side.


is stanky
So, sometimes fanfic writers can not want to harm a product. But they do. Inappropriate stuff may ruin a  brand or series for a young child. J.K. Rowling doesn't support it. Heck, no one supports it! Today, I am talking about that stuff.

They can argue that it's fair use. And it is. However, would you really want to ruin that for someone so much that you would create that stuff. I guess they haven't stopped yet because no one has told them that it is hurting the new members of their fanbase they hold so dear.


So here I present my solution. Companies can loosen up and fasnbases can tighten up. We all want to keep the good fan stuff but who really wants that weird crap? And that is all I can say about that. See you later today(for Site Slump) and next week on Blog & Wario.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Site Slump: TV Tropes

Hey i'm slump
I'm not so slump
And this is Site Slump!

Welcome to my very first Site Slump where I, put the Slump in Sites. Today, I am reviewing TV Tropes. This is a favorite of mine and I do not edit it so it fits all of the qualifications. Meet TV Tropes.

You evil website


TV Trope benefits from a good community, one thing many sites do not have. Most editors list good examples and are funny, and usually enforce There is no Such Thing as Notability.

Okay, just kidding.
However, sometimes there are the templates that request a rewrite or say that there is something wrong with the page. However, this is much less common then other websites.

 Overall, the community gets a 10/10


The content could have various ratings depending on how you look at it. However, from my standpoint I would give it a high score. Why? It's funny. It has obscure examples, it has stuff from even very recent games or media. One article documented the inappropriate stuff on the Nickelodeon (crap) show Sam and Cat just from a trailer.

The content is golden, and it gets my 10/10.


Most entries have funny, entertaining, and educational  pictures. However, some don't and some have stupid unfunny and sometimes confusing pictures. It's just a nitpicking thing but still, it good benefit from some new pictures.

The content is mainly good and gets my 7/10


That was my review of TV Tropes! Tell me if you liked it and the segment and also what you want the next review to be about. I'm Joe, and that was Site Slump.

Just cross out some things and remove 75% of the content

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Blog & Wario: Cease and Desist Letter, Pt. 1: The Company

To start off my first B&W since I started the blog expansion, I am telling you something shocking.

This is a two-parter.

The only thing scarier then that movie.

I am talking about something that has split us up. The companies and their best and biggest fans. What could it be? The cease and desist letter! When the company shuts dwn a fan work for whatever reason. However, some of the horrifying wrong creations cause this. So, today I am talking about when it is the fault of the company.

I've seen some great stuff go because companies are always like "MEH". Fan fiction(and works in general) falls under fair use, right? Some people disagree. If it's a fanfic, you're stealing my stuff, some may say. In quality works it's fine for people to use your stuff.

Here's a quote:

 "to write fiction using my characters is morally identical to moving into my house without invitation and throwing out my family."-Orson Card

Oval face is exactly right.
He has since changed his stance on fanfics, but a famous author we all know sure hasn't. George R.R. Martin, creator of "A Song of Fire and Ice" is against fanfics, thinking it is copyright infringement and a bad exercise for aspiring writers. Some people write for fun, and fair use is in mind. Companies need to realize that it's harmless fun.

Or is it?

Insert DUN-DUN-DUN here.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Top 10-Reasons why the internet has hope.

Most of my posts here so far revolve around the problems of the internet. Despite all of the trolls and annoying stuff, the horrible people, the gossip, the internet has some redeeming qualities.

Like letting me post.


So today, i'm listing the top 10 reasons why the internet has hope.

10: Kids 

Hear me out here guys. Kids on the internet is a good thing. Not playing Modern Warfare 6 and trolling, but on the internet.

Interacting with kids can be better sometimes. They have no weird stuff about them and they have a better freaking imagination. It also expands the hope for our world which is currently very small. You can learn lots from the internet and even learn to make a living out of it when your older.

9: Youtube Communities

Be it Normal Boots, Hidden Block, Polaris, TGS whatever, Youtube Communites make us have hope. Why? They have a good feel to them. They often mention and link to more stuff which leads us to more non-sucky stuff. Also, they are organized, funny, and usually great pastimes.

8: Free Games

In a time where Capcom can get away with releasing 6 versions of the same game, free and fun games are a blessing. Old stuff can teach newer gamers difficulty in games, and can give nostalgia to older players without robbing them.

7: Good Fan-Fics

I know this is surprising, but there is such a thing as a good fanfiction. LE GASP, REALLY? Well, some fan-fics can be good. A lot of them are complete rubbish, but a few may even get excepted into canon and Kindle World seeks to share that good stuff with us and make less people afraid of even touching a fanfic.
Just Kidding

6: Fanbases

Any writer or director or creator of any kind of media knows Fanbases can really suck. However, there are some (few) good fans who advance creations with petitions, emails, fanart, and positive encouragement. They can bring dead yet awesome stuff back to life with popular demand. Some fans make the rest of the fanbase look mean and whiny and give them a bad name, but the good ones can help advance a great work into stardom.

5: Big companies and Organizations on Facebook and other social networks

How many of you stopped while reading this article to check your Facebook or Twitter. Well I have no readers so that is a horrible example but the point is that social networks are popular. How do we learn things? Social Networks. How do we get updated? Social Networks. How do we get petitions? Social Networks. By using these tools, companies and even the Goverment can update us on important stuff and therefor we are more aware then we were without these sites.

4: Good Fanart

I have said good a lot during this post. Why? Simply because most of it or some it is bad. However, some modern day picassos started out on DA or other artistic websites. Some companies have even used fanart before. I currently follow a great blog called Peira Noid's Blog on Blogger. Link will be at the end of this post by the way. The artist there could become a real life artist. Good Fanart is awesome.

3: Troll Wikis

Why would this be number 3? It's because it's an awesome pastime and one that is funny. I read lots of Encyclopedia Dramatica because it's funny. It's harmless and awesome and can make your day more then any thing above it on the list.

2: Streaming

Streaming is AWESOME. Before we had to tune in every week and if we missed the episode, life was over man. Game Over. Now with Hulu and Netflix though, we can watch at anytime. It descreases the ammount of TV we watch for the finer things of life, and is a great thing for TV lovers such as myself.

1: Wikis

Anyone can edit wiki. That sucks, right? No, it's fantastic, because most of the time we can find factual info on Wikipedia. We are more then ever informed and wikis are quite helpful. Fanon ones can build worthwhile communities and well made rules keep everything in order. Wikis have taught me some new vocabulary  and has overall made me smarter. Here's for wiki!

So, the internet has hope after all. Small hope, but hope regardless. I'm Joe and that was my first Top 10, see you guys later.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fanbase Read: New Schedule and types of Posts

Blog and Wario is(stupidly) expanding with some new "shows". Here they are and the shows.

Console Wars: Two pieces of hardware are compared. Every Wednesday

Top 10s: Self explanatory. Whenever and may replace my regular posts sometimes.

Site Slump: I will talk about and review a site. Every Monday.

Blog and Wario will still have regular posts simply titled, Blog and Wario.

Bye, guys.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Totally Not Rickrolling

I guess I did some accidental foreshadowing last week . I got no responses and last weeks was about Facebook two, so I decided to tackle Rickrolling. So today on Blog & Wario, we are going to tackle Rickrolling. Yeah.

Take this personality quiz
In case you've been living under a rock for a century, Rickrolling is when you mislead someone to believe they are linked to something EXTRAORDINARY! And then you get a video of Rick Astley. There is no justice in this world. Anyways, with that short recap know I am going to give my two cents. Rickrolling is not that bad. It's trolling yes, but trolling has been in the world before computers. Honestly, trolling can get annoying but it acts as a force against those mean nerds or those snobs. I got, I mean get, trolled and it really humbles a person. Maybe you're refusing to watch the Clone Wars cartoon because George Lucas didn't give birth to it but someone tricks you with a misleading link and you find out you like it.

Except for this kind of trolling of course.
Sometimes it's just funny. Rickrolling has no controversy and no reasons why I should disapprove of it, because it can be so funny. Unlike Facebook game, pay-to-play stuff, and LOLZ talk, it doesn't make us as a whole nation more stupid. So if you get Rickrolled, just smile and troll them back. That is how to enjoy the internet.

I'm Joe, and you just read Blog & Wario. See you next week(or week and a day, sorry.)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Facebook Games are UGH!

Farmville. Instantly and insanely popular, this Facebook game is notable for simulating farms, allowing hours of fun, and draining your credit cards. Quite using tropes Joe.

It really is.
I'm okay with Facebook. I am not okay with their UGH games. In ol' Britain, a young boy spent SO much money on his mother's credit card. On Farmville. A game where you have cows. Yes. It happened. So today our topic is the issue of those DANG Facebook games. Zynga is a company in San Diego that is known for the Ville games. Cityville, Farmville, something about cowboys? Anyways, they all include a feature I HATE so much, freemium. Of course you are going to spend money on one of these games unless you like the worst stuff. It's human nature to want this stuff and waste our money on it. I have a solution.

I have a solution to freemium and here it is. Get rid of stat boosters. Make it cosmetic. Then so many people won't overspend on a silly game. But you can't stand here and say you are making anyone's lives better but your own with the stat booster plan. Facebook people and other users of the internet,  quit playing so much. Treat yourself like you would you child and limit your time on their and the money you are willing to spend. If Zynga and others change their buisness model, we should change our life model so we can all coexist without having Zynga ruling the world with their billions from Farmville and others.

You know how it goes, i'm Joe and this was Blog and Wario, thanks for reading.

Also, sorry about taking so long. I'll be back to weekly posts now, so check back on the 17th. I'll be there. Probably.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

TSROTT(The Stupid Rise of Text Talk)

    With the magic of cell phones, the young and old alike can talk to each other in a private place through a system called text messaging. The small keys make it hard to tell someone your life story, so Text talk was created. LOL is laugh out loud, JK is just kidding, and brb is be right back. I hate text talk. I also use it and I want to stop. It's annoying, rude, and overused and just how did it invade the internet and phones alike?

Another problem with the internet and phones

     Laziness is the main reason, but I excuse you because those tiny little letters on the phone are hard to press. LOL feels like it's...not even funny but just a courtesy thing. Just like likes that I talked about last post. I mean HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA isn't much better but because you're doing something different it's automatically more satisfying to the person receiving your luls. Texts aren't the final boss of this game though, the true enemy is Internet users.

We cannot grasp the true form of the trolls attack

        Internet users tend to use text talk two. Now that cannot be justified. I can write looooong boring paragraphs easily in little time with my keyboard because it's BIG. Laziness is the only reason why you would write LOL instead of "I laughed out loud".  It's rude, annoying, lazy and doesn't satisfy anyone. So before you put LOLJKROTFLOLTTISS on your next youtube comment, think again. The person and I would rather have you just put cool.

Well i'm Joe Nunyabeeswax and that's my two cents about text talk. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Like Obsessed World

    My morning routine consists of waking up and checking my computer. Whatever website it is, I check for likes, or views, or comments. Heck, I did it just this morning with this blog. In honor of my many mental problems, today on Blog and Wario, we are discussing LIKES.
Facebook. It's a place where you can troll or stalk your ex, sign petitions no one looks at, or look at games(that your ten year old kid is using your credit card for). However, a large trait in this instantly popular social network is the two thumbs. Like, or dislike. So many choices, so little time. Now liking is sort of a simple courtesy thing mind you but still, a lot of likes make your face turn from creepy to happy. But....why?

Self-Esteem are two words that are key to my argument. Naturally, it's well, always been like that. Before the days where you could troll your friends with about seven letters and a space, you had to in real life. If people told you they liked your shoes or shirt, that made you happy. If you got a good grade, you were happy.

But I digress, the problem with likes, views, and subscribes on the internet is how we BEG. Like and subscribe is the new routine, and it should stop. A zillion likes doesn't excite people anymore because they didn't earn it. Drop the endslates and quit begging, and when your reach that big 100, 1000, 1,000,000 it'll feel about 10 times better.

This is Joe, and you just read Blog and Wario. See you guys soon.

                                           because everyone needs more rainbows in their life.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The many annoyances of Blogs

            The collective goal of all mankind and beyond is to simplify everything so a scientist ranging from Agent Scully to Albert Einstien can understand, and also so we can two. Kids understand  E=MC squared, but one problem has waged war on all of mankind.


   You see, I have been journeying for a couple years now to find a blog that isn't always, 99 DOLLARS A MUNF FOR EXTRAAAA SPACE AND STUFFFFFFFFF YAAAAAAAAAA. Blogger looks like it is not one of those things but so many things have betrayed me. I think we can all understand that feeling, and it's nice to know how mean and trollish the internet can be but we still come together no matter what. Whether it's a LotR forum with 40-year old man with a shirt that doesn't cover his stomach conversing with the freckle infested 12-year old about whatever, or one of those abandoned wikis with one user editing, slowly drifting off into madness.

Is Blogger one blog I can trust? Have you had those experiences before? Does this blog lack too many wacky cat pictures/memes? Let me know.

Oh yeah, and my name is Joe and this is Blog & Wario, see you soon.