Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog & Wario: How the Internet will cause apocalypse

I know you missed me.

Admit it.


Okay so after the post where I told you I basically was not going to meet that many deadlines, and I took a break but with the weekend upon me I decided it was time for another Blog & Wario. Today I am going to talk about something that is not just annoying, it is.....DANGEROUS!

I had to.

The other day while I was on the Sploder forums, I saw someone trying to make it on Sploder til they were 30+. Oh my. Don't worry, I won't put a George Takei picture here. That is not the only thing. People are wasting more and more time on computers. (I say as I write a blog post for an hour). That is very very bad. Why? Well if you as an adult spend most time on computers you waste your talents. Especially if you are smart.

Another problem that was brought to my eye is people actually falling in love with machines[1]. As in marrying them. This limits the population, which effectively means the extinction of human life. Wasting talents is bad but this problem is worse.

I am going to go out on a limb here saying, everyone has a person out there for them. Whether we try hard enough to find them is the problem. So, as always, I propose a solution. Limit your computer use. With the addition of parents being able to limit the time spent on stuff, we are in the right direction. I cut down an hour each day to spend more time with my family. Do that with other devices to, which will mainly eliminate the "I love Virtual Girlz" problem two. If we do that, we'll all day some other way. Like atomic bombs. Or zombies. Or missiles.

I'm Joe Nunyabeeswax, and I will see you LATER.

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